Thirty Eight - Year of The Fool

I decided to chop up my wedding dress.

Well ok it was a thwarted wedding dress. The wedding wasn’t thwarted just this dress I had tried to make.
You see I needed some tulle so I scavenged it from the half finished dress instead of buy new. I needed the tulle to make a clown collar, also known as “a ruff” in the biz. I needed a clown ruff for my birthday portrait.

Recently, I’ve been exploring new pursuits and one of the things of leaving the land of things-you-are-already-good-at, is you risk looking like a fool. In Tarot ‘The Fool’, the first card of the deck, represents new beginnings and heeding the call to adventure. I figure if I can embrace the spirit of the fool from the outset,  perhaps it’ll cushion the blow when I inevitably slip on a proverbial banana peel. Joseph Campbell said we must enter the forest at an un-tread entry point, that way we will know we know the path is our own”.

He would have loved this forest photo shoot. 

Zoë Fullen